Every morning I find myself having a media breakfast way before I have an actual breakfast. This is what keeps me growing, learning and evolving as a designer. Here you'll find the components of that meal... and some random stuff on the side

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I collect bugs!

Yeah I know, why would I do that especially knowing that somehow I'm allergic to cockroaches. Funny story, I've always been afraid of bugs for one reason or another and this past summer I wanted to shoot something different for my photo portfolio. My RD from last year loves bugs and has a huge collection of exotic ones. I asked her if I could borrow them for a little bit. When I first started touching them, I had the creeps and it took me forever to finish shooting them. Well a year later and I've started my own collection and can handle bugs without a problem. Keep in mind, they're dead-- I'm not quite sure how I'd do with live ones.