Every morning I find myself having a media breakfast way before I have an actual breakfast. This is what keeps me growing, learning and evolving as a designer. Here you'll find the components of that meal... and some random stuff on the side

Monday, December 29, 2008

my new years resolution

I'm a homebody. I like my sweatpants and bed a little too much. I rather go home after work then go out and have some fun. Not going to lie, more often than not, I am exhausted but I live in the most amazing place in the world. Most young people my age would die to be in the position I am with my career and personal life. It is time for me to become the true city girl I am meant to be, I walk down the street and see someone with a cute outfit and then I think about it-- i have the same pieces at home but don't wear them. Time to lock away my hoodies and bring out the heals. I may not have a million bucks but I can damn well try to dress myself like I do.

My New Year's Resolution...

- I work hard therefore it is time that I play as hard... and look good while at it.

- To keep kicking ass at work, only one way to go and that is UP UP UP!

- To make more of an effort to spend time with my girlfriends and sisters.

- To stay the healthiest I possibly can.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

photo dump of break

We went to Brook's BBQ Chicken in Oneonta to visit Ian's grandparents. I had to take some shots of the ribs that I got and of Ian's chicken for Monica!! When you come to Saratoga in the summer, we are taking a ride out to Brooks. They are world known for their chicken. We had a game night and played Yahtzee 2 nights ago. Ian created his own drink, we are calling it the Sour Patch Kidz drink. It even had a red and green one to go with the occasion. We also spotted a deer across the lawn.

relaxation.... at last

HALLE FREAKING LUJAH for the Holiday Season. I have been going sooo non-stop that I was headed straight into a messy crash and burn. i had a feeling that if it kept going, it wouldn't have been a pretty sight. Fortunately break arrived just in time. Ian and I left for home Tuesday at 9pm. We had little by little brought my bags over to the office, that way I wouldn't have to deal with 3 large bags in the L morning commute. For once, I didn't have anything to do at work Tuesday [very weird and surreal, i know] and just hung around with Jacq and Sung. I went to Barnes and Nobles and bought New Moon of the Twilight Saga. I was halfway through that when Jacq suggested going to the movies. We saw Seven Pounds with Will Smith and Rosario Dawson. I cannot explain what the movie is about without giving it all away but it is NECESSARY that you go and see this movie. It is heart warming, inspirational and could possibly change the way you view your life. It made me think about mine. It's been hard to get Ian's family to go see it and not being able to tell them what it's about.

When we arrived at home, allergies immediately hit me. I wasn't sure if it was it or me finally crashing and burning. Regardless to say, I've been in a fog this whole time home. It's been quite a bummer but I'm sort of used to. I'd rather have allergies the whole time than not be here at all. Christmas eve we spent it with the whole family at the Montgomery's where we had our Chinese Auction. It's very similar to white elephant gift exchange and it is a tradition of this family for many years now. Poor Ian, he got his gift stolen and ended up with a bag of coals. Tee hee hee.

The next morning we got to open our gifts at home. I will say that by far, this has been the best Christmas ever. Not only did I get some very kick ass gifts, but Ian and I were able to give everyone the gift we wanted for them. We didn't have to settle for less.

All in all these are what I can remember off the top of my head...

- nikon s60

- matching bracelet to my ring.
[My first Christmas with Ian, he bought me this beautiful hand-made silver ring. It was made by a jeweler in France. We saw last year that my favorite jewelry store here in Saratoga Springs had a matching bracelet for it. When we found out that the store was closing for good, we went to find the bracelet over thanksgiving break. I got very sad when I saw that it was gone. I nearly cried because I really wanted that bracelet. Well it turns out that Ian had his parents go and buy it for me.]

- mario kart for the wii

- lots of clothes, business attire stuff

- new earring rack and a total of 6 sets of earrings to go

- back massager

[monica, i will most certainly share this gift with you :-)]

- george forman grill

- lots of kitchen stuff

- kanye west's new album
[good production, he SUCKS at singing, i kinda wish i could mute his voice]

- The Tales of Beedle the Bard
[J.K.Rowling dropped the ball with this one, I haven't even been able to finish it]

- shamwow

- a framed, signed photograph of Bernardini as he's crossing the finish line at Travers race in Saratoga Springs
[Bernardini was my favorite horse on the property the first year Darley had their horses here for the summer. Bernardini has since been a great race horse almost winning the triple crown. It is now retired and making babies for LOTS and LOTS of money. I credit his success to all the extra carrots I'd give him daily]

- bright colors nail polish set

and many many gifts.

We were able to give Aunt Lorraine, Aunt Barb and Nan a day at the spa. We gave Jim the Neil Diamond box set. I have become a huge fan of Neil Diamond since. We got Dylan a set of speakers to go with his new Mac laptop. We got Pop Pop a traveling blanket and pillow and the Kite Runner book. We also got Nan a fondue set and we put it to work last night. Again there were also many many gifts. Each of the kids got one too.

Christmas is not about material possessions, it is about spending time with your loved ones. In years past I have wished that perhaps I had gotten that one gift I really wanted but this year, I could have done without all of my gifts. There has really been a change to who I am as a person within the past year. It's hard to explain but I know that I'm not the same person who I used to be. Not sure why I feel this way but I just do. I hope that everyone has had a a wonderful holiday. I know Kim did, her and Mike are engaged now. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAYYYYYYYY!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


microwave power

Jib Jab 2008

not the best.

do we get vino from PLUMS?

Ahhh holiday parties! Gotta love them. Last night was PLUMs and it was fabolous It was at the Greek restaurant across the street from the office. The wine was good, the food was good [they kept bringing it out]. The best part of it all was the company. We all greatly missed Monica, I wanted her to be there sooooo bad. Ian joined me as my significant other and had a blast. Not until I have a point and shoot can I provide my own photos, therefore I'm stealing Stu's.

I cannot wait to leave for home tonight and have amazing food and an amazing time with the family!! Yay we get to see Layla!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

may i have this watch please?

My junior year, I was thrown into the vault of H.Stern for a design competition through Pratt. I made it to the top 25 and had my work displayed in the final exhibit along with everyone else. I ever since, have been dreaming of wearing H.Stern jewelry. A lot of their pieces are beautifully detailed, eccentric and well above a price range I can only dream of ever having.

I am head over heels with their Diane Von Fustenberg collection, particularly the Sutra Sports Watch in Black or Tan. The tan one is with crazy amounts of diamonds and well about $9000. The black one is $1600. I most certainly want the black one as a birthday/christmas gift next year. I know it's pricey but that's all I want. Everyone can put all the money they would spend on me together and buy it for me. Or better yet, i'll continue to make big bucks and buy it for myself.

I got my present early... sort of

Christmas has arrived early for me! I asked the boy to get me an ipod touch for xmas and then last week, we stopped by sunglass hut and I changed my mind. I am always stealing Ian's Ray-Ban aviators until now. A while back I did a spec campaign series for Ray-Ban and found some interesting facts. I love the brand and what it stands for.

Ian hasn't had much time to go get them so today after grabbing lunch with Alyssa at Chopt, I quickly walked over to Lenscrafters/Sunglass Hut on 14th and 6. It was fre fre freezing, 10 degrees to be exact. I opted for the Ray-Ban wayfarer for a few reasons, main one being that I needed a more dress-up, less attitude pair of shades. I have a few sets of aviators at home that I can always choose from. I then went into Urban Outfitters and did some more personal shopping.

My goal now is to try and convince the boy that there's no need for him to wrap it and wait until Christmas to give it to me. They look better on me than in the case. Perhaps if I let him have his Aqua di Gio now, he'll budge on letting me keep them.

Friday, December 19, 2008

this season, i challenge you

I have always been creative with my wrapping. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the holiday season because it means that I will have lots of gifts to wrap. When I was in school and had access to the RA butcher paper, that's what I would use for wrapping. Ever since I've been using old magazines. In years past, we have wrapped our gifts in regular, ordinary Christmas wrapping paper. This year I have challenged Ian's parents to do all their wrapping in either newspaper or white butches paper. Nan's response was "well then it isn't colorful and pretty!". Well then add a bright colorful ribbon that can truly be reused next season. No two gifts are the same exact and you can do crazy things with ribbons. Think about it, crisp white paper with bright colorful ribbons-- how much prettier can that be. It also helps recycling and the environment. I just finished wrapping the gifts we have bought here in the city with magazine paper and I CHALLENGE ALL OF YOU to do the same!

Starting from the beginning

It's interesting for me to think that this blog started almost a year ago for Sebastian Kaupert's Business, Design, Results class. When it all began, it served the purpose for everyone in the class to see what the rest of us were up to and to post up the answers to the thought provoking questions and he research he would have us do. I still have all of those sheets and continue to ponder on those same questions. The answers have changed as time has passed by and I've gained more experience and skills.

One of the main purposes is for all of us to post the photograph of the week. One related to the previous one. Since I am no longer in class and often time I get questions about my photography, I will now start posting one or two shots from different shoots I've done/currently doing. I'm hoping that this will help me get back into shooting more often because honestly, I miss photography like WOAH!. It was my second passion... dancing being first. That's my next goal, to start taking classes again-- after all I'm right around the corner from the studio.

Summer '08

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Luke Lucas


Eta Phi

I've been meaning to post this screen capture up. Congratulations ladies!! We did it.

my old man crush

Monica and I are currently waiting for our next task at work and watching CNN. We both went OOoooOOoOo AaaAaaaA when Anderson Cooper came on. We both agreed that he's most certainly our old man crush! OOoooO la la...

what is my body trying to tell me

I've been told that research shows that people in our field suffer from ADD, OCD and INSOMNIA. I thought I was lucky in only suffering from ADD and OCD. That's no longer true.

I have been soo busy with work and coming home late. I wake up at 7am [although i've been failing miserably the past couple of days] and go home 7pm at the earliest. By the time Ian and I get into bed, it's 10ish. I have always been a sound sleeper and can fall asleep ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. Well that hasn't been the case lately. I've been having the hardest time falling asleep and staying asleep.

I've been afraid to take something for it because I know it will cause for me to not wake up and miss work.

Someone HELP ME PLEASE! I love to sleep and I haven't been able to get more than 3 hours.

Monday, December 15, 2008

hoggin' monica's pics 'til i get my point and shoot!

"Tis the season...

The last couple of week have been a stressful, exhilarating and life changing. Work has been crazy busy and when I say crazy, I mean crazyyy.

There has been ongoing joke about how we are no longer plum but plump- because we are always ordering take-out and enjoying one too many glasses of wine at the end of the day. Well I have nothing to worry about. The other morning I tried on a pair of jeans that I never returned. When I bought them, the line was too long for the fitting room so I purchased them to later find out that they were too small on me. In getting ready for work, I wished I had another pair of skinny jeans and TA-DA, they fit me!! I did my little butt shaking and shared the news with the boy. This means that I have kept off the weight since working at Il Porto and then some!!

Monica is now working at PLUM... Yay and got to experience the craziness within her first hour. Her working there has reinforced my hunch of us being a good team. We bounce ideas back and forth and there's absolutely no baby mama drama. We've enjoyed being able to call some shots here and there and most certainly have proven ourselves worthy of being there. Although we are both under 23yrs of age, we are not letting anyone stop us. Monica and I are the youngest people in history working on the US Census campaign- that speaks volume. Like she once stated, we go together like black beans and rice!! We are the "hybrid chicas"

Last Tuesday we went to the Eargoo holiday party which was a blast. We met a lot of fun, industry people and most certainly expanded our network. We played WII sports and I lost to Monica and she lost to Nicole. Speaking of which, she's a cool chica. She also is 22 and definitely making a name for herself. She's a producer at Eargoo and working on such shows as The Desperate Housewives of Atlanta. Her office and ours is merely 10 blocks away-- lunch date soon!!

Last Wednesday was Lorraine and Taso's Copywriting Rumble at Pratt. It was amazing to seeing the caliber of work and be able to give our personal input to the students. This was my third time being on the panel of judges, yet it was different from the previous times. This time, I really got what it means to be a mentor and be able to give feedback and make a sound decision. It's interesting how much I've grown as a designer, art director and leader. I could immediately see some of the students faces when their group didn't win and went into encouraging mode". My semester- my team didn't win, Monica's semester- her team didn't win and yet look at us. We're both Art Directors, not interns creating amazing work. Stu from Pangea with whom we work with and Billy Kent, commercial and film director work the other two judges on the panel

Ian and I got all of our Christmas shopping done!! YAY! I won't share what we got for everyone because most of the family members have access to this blog! It feels great to be able to spend money on everyone's gifts and not have to look under the couch for pennies [HA, not that we have a couch or anything]. We will be leaving for home late on the 23rd and although it will be nice to get away from NYC, it won't be the same. I'm pretty certain that I will be doing work the whole time and won't really be able to enjoy home as I know it.

Monica and I bought everyone at PLUM their Christmas gifts today. We got 6 goldfishes, each one matching everyone's personalities. We went to Fish's Eddy and both an assortment of glasses that also go with everyone. We also went ahead and named them all:

is Luda because of the Ludacris Pepsi spot she worked on
Taso is Beyonce because of a spot he worked on
Sung is Mickey because he used to work for Disney
Jacq is Gentleman Caller because of a reference she made one day at work
Monica is Rice and I'm Black Beans cuz of how we work together.

Everyone from Pipeline and THEM are probably wishing they had fishes too. Monica and I are a little concerned with the temperature change in the office at night and our new office pets. We shall see how it all turns out.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

no time to recap...

What she said!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

this makes me not want to love NY

Ehh really,what's going on here. 17 million dollars for this account and yes although not all of it goes to the agency that butchered the iconic logo, that's still a whole lot of money that was wasted. Clip art comes to mind when I saw this. I was at dinner with other designers the other night and I said "hey what do you think of the I <3 NY rebranding, my friend that was sitting across from me nearly spit his food onto my face. There has been a lot of talk about this slaughtering and it hasn't been a good one. The style guide for the logo is not half bad, they must have realized that they dropped the ball and needed to make up for it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

'tis the season...

Thanksgiving dinner was the best this year, the same can't be said about the break as a whole.

At home we have 2 tables- one for the adults and the other for the kids. Well the kids aren't really kids anymore. Ian and I happily sat with the "kids" this year to accomodate uncle Henry celebrating with us. Our table was the loud and crazy one. The one where manners were thrown out the window and having a good time was a requirement. Dinner was delicious and very filling. Due to my oh so wonderful wisdom teeth, I wasn't able to finish all of my food and quickly passed out. Not quite sure whether or not this is as a result of all the turkey or the pain meds- let's just say both!

I am used to having home as my getaway from work, where I can just vegged out on the couch and watch mindless tv... the place where I can take my shoes off and take walks around the property. I'm using to having the option of going downtown with Ian if I want to. I am NOT used to having to bring my work with me and actually doing it. It wasn't much of a break. Perhaps its all my fault for being the workaholic that I am and for loving what I do. When we got back last night, I was more mentally and physically exhausted than when I left. Coffee will be my best friend as I try to survive the next 3 days of crazy work, followed by wisdom teeth procedure. Maybe then I'll get some rest- although knowing me, that won't happen.

Good thing about home... We got to see how big Layla has gotten and experienced the first snowfall of the season!! It was good to also see the family.

Monday, November 24, 2008

gotta love it

Let's' get ready to rumbleeee- I know it sounds cheesy but its an awesome expression.

Last Wednesday through Friday I was part of a creative rumble at draftfcb for the 2010 census campaign. For those who aren't familiar with the term, it is a time when a couple of agencies are brought together, given a creative brief and sent to a room with 5 hours or less to come up with a concept and apply it to print, tv, out of home and so on. At the end of the day we all come back to the main room and each agency presents their concepts to the ECD. He will then either that night or the following morning will give everyone some food for thought and more direction. This process is repeated for a few days until a concept or big idea is found. From that point, every agency present will execute the concept with their target audience in mind for the coming weeks.

Let me just say that this has been a life changing experience. I wasn't quite sure what to expect and what my role would be. Pratt most certainly got me prepared for this stressful, minute by minute event. I obviously can't go into details about the project itself but I've been impressed with the work everyone has brought forward. Some have overpromised, others have been off strategy but overall, its been a good bucket of concepts.

Draft FCB at first seem huge but now I can navigate it in my sleep. Everyone there has been awesome and hope to continue this experience with them! Always be kind to your host and they will in return be kind to you, especially when you need to make print outs.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Yo hablo espanol!

I love love love when hispanic people don't realize that I'm hispanic and that I fully understand spanish!! This morning on my way to work I stopped by the pratt car service place to find out how much it would be for a mini van to take me to the B&B that the national officers are staying at, pick them up and come back to Pratt. After explaining to the guy (let's call him Bob) how it needed to be and that it would be a total of 6 times from thursday to sunday, Bob took forever to find the place on the map. He then proceeded to ask his buddies in the back how much I should be charged. His buddies said $50 but Bob decided to tell me $60. Bob didn't realize that I fully understood their spanish conversation and even heard the jokes that referred to me as a rich girl (hello, I was in sweat pants and hoody, def didn't come off as rich). Anyhow I proceeded to respond to him in spanish " I will pay you $45, not $50 like your buddies in the back suggested and most certainly not. $60 like you personally want me to. I understood what you said, you either take my $45 or I just simply go down the street to myrtle car service who is cheaper to begin with". Bob look stupified and stumble every word from that point on. He agreed to $45 but I'm still going to myrtle car service to get a quote. Lesson of the day, spanish is a good thing to know, it saves you money!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

what i need to do work

1. yummylicious banana split flavored hookah
2. our office dimly light
3. the boy on my right hand side contributing to all the design work [yay team]
4. jack johnson, jason mraz or radiohead softly playing in the background
5. random 15 minute breaks .. one not so random, the daily show- it's a most every night

...and with these necessities and more, Ian and I continue to work through tonight. It is 1:35am and I set myself a deadline for midday tomorrow to have everything finished!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

paris for president?

can't stand her but she actually brings up some interesting points.

paul rand work and animation

niko- check out 1:10

to the RED states from the BLUE states

This was in my inbox this morning.. talk about being clever and good writting...

To: The Red States

From: The Blue States

We've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our own country, and we're
taking the other Blue States with us. In case you aren't aware, that
includes California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. It may even include Florida and
Ohio, they are seriously considering it. We've given them until Nov. 4th to
decide. We believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and
especially to the people of the new country. Since we're dropping the
middle states we're calling it United America, or simply the U.A.

To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states. We get
stem cell research and the best beaches. We get the Statue of Liberty. You
get Dollywood. You can take Ted Nugent. We're keeping Bruce Springsteen and
Billy Joel. You get WorldCom. We get Intel and Microsoft. You get Ole'
Miss. We get Harvard and 85 percent of America's venture capital and
entrepreneurs. You get Alabama. We get two-thirds of the tax revenue, you
get to make the red states pay their fair share.

Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the Christian
Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a bunch of single
moms, and the highest concentration of pregnant unwed teenagers. Please be
aware that the U.A. will be for a woman's right to choose and anti-war, and
we're going to want all our citizens back from Iraq ASAP. If you need
people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have kids they're apparently
willing to send to their deaths without just cause, and they don't care if
you don't show pictures of their children's caskets coming home. We do wish
you success in Iraq, and hope that the WMDs turn up, really we do, but
we're not willing to spend our resources in Bush's Quagmire. We'd rather
spend it on taking care of sick people, and educating our children.

With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 percent of
the country's fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple and
lettuce, 92 percent of the nation's fresh fruit, 95 percent of America's
quality wines, 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the high tech
industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias
and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools plus Stanford, Cal Tech
and MIT. With the Red States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with
88 percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health care costs),
92 percent of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the tornadoes, 90
percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern Baptists, virtually
100 percent of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University,
Clemson and the University of Georgia. We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank

Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was
actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred unless
we're discussing the war, the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say
that evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved in
9/11 and 61 percent of you crazy Redies believe you are people with higher
morals then we Bluies..


Blue States

Thursday, October 23, 2008

a life full of work

I love working in the advertising industry and I might sound crazy but I also love sleepless nights doing work for the next day-- as long as I get to take a cat nap the following day and spend quality time with the boy. The work that I've been doing has been loads of fun and quite the learning experience-- I cannot wait to keep going at it.

I'm no longer working at the restaurant and can give my full time to all the design work. I will miss the employee discount. Speaking of restaurant, Ian and I made our way to Kif for dinner tonight. Oh my godddd i died and went to heaven with the food there. The chicken soup that was one of the specials was just like the one my grandma used to make me when I was little back in Cuba. It had corn and vegetables and it was thick and an explosion of flavors in my mouth. Ian got the hummus, it was potent and fresh. The pita bread that came with it was fluffy and not stale like Zaytoons. I got the boneless short ribs and mashed potatoes.. Ian got the burger. We split a coconut flavor flan. The atmosphere in there is amazing. For days now we've been overly stressed, anxious and overworked. As soon as we walked in, we immediately settled down in the corner booth and was greeted by our waiter who by the way had a french accent to die for. Everything there helped us wind down and relax... just what we needed. I cannot wait until I get my camera for Christmas and I can start taking pictures of these new food experiences like Monica does.

Back to watching Primal Fear with the boy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


i hate the cold and i hate not getting enough sleep
i love ian and the fact that he will do anything in his power to keep me warm.
i hope to get sleep soon and i'm sad to know that i am done working at the restaurant.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

vote for hope

Obama '08 - Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


An Article on CNN this morning

-- One of Rep. John Boehner’s local offices was evacuated Monday afternoon after a suspicious package arrived in the mail.Staffers received the letter from Georgia by U.S. mail. After noticing it was leaking an oily substance, they called the Capitol police in Washington, who advised them to evacuate as a precaution and call in local authorities. Multiple police agencies responded to the Republican congressman’s West Chester office and began an investigation.

After an X-ray analysis, investigators determined the package contained bacon.

Boehner voted twice last week for a $700 billion bailout of the financial industry, which passed Friday and was signed into law by President George W. Bush.

Some critics have charged that the legislation contained unnecessary giveaways, which are sometimes referred to as “pork barrel” spending.

A spokeswoman said it's ironic someone would send Boehner bacon because he has spent his career fighting pork barrel spending.

No injuries were reported, and the incident remains under investigation. A note found in the package with the bacon was not disclosed by authorities."

Monday, October 6, 2008

ian has fallen in love...all over again

On our way to Fuerza Bruta, we saw this half scale, fully functional van. Ian fell in love with it and now wants it.

and on a more serious note

Forward this link to your friends and family, everyone needs to hear about this.

i love political humor

and the SNL debate skit

another year of wisdom, a night of fun!

Ian turned 23 yesterday and after being misled about rush tickets and prices for Fuerza Bruta [brute force], we finally got our tickets. We quickly grabbed a bite to eat and headed back to the Daryl Roth Theatre in Union Square. On our way in, we noticed 2 couples who were leaving and overheard about being misled on the tickets. I followed them outside and gave them a code that would reduce their ticket price to $39 as opposed to $70 a pop. They were extremely grateful for my help [good karma points]. We made it into the lounge/waiting area and the place quickly filled up. I began to feel slightly clausterphobic and Ian reminded me that this is not the place nor time for this.

There's no way of doing the show justice in trying to describe what it is about. It is a sensory overload and an experience that is one of a kind. The show is 70 minutes long and you are in a theatre with no seats. Everyone stands for the duration of the show and is ushered around during the performance. We all essentially become performers and feed off everyone's energy. There are several moving set pieces including a treadmill, a stomping floor, a confetti explosion, a rotating ring and a mylar pool over your head. My favorite part was most certainly the mylar pool.

The mylar pool has 4 female members dancing, jumping, sliding and splashing. The boy next to me at the time as well as everyone else got a peep show several times. This was the longest set piece. They lower the pool enough to where you can touch it and make direct eye contact with the performers.

I'm going to stop trying to explain the show because like I said, it won't do any justice to it. I'll upload some photographs from it and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - if you are ever in Union Square, want to see an amazing show, aren't clausterphobic and won't have seizures caused by strobe lights then GO SEE THE SHOW! I wouldn't bring a fancy camera because you won't be able to enjoy the crazy, wet rave party at the end of the show without getting it soaked.

And so we left the show feeling like it was all a dream and headed back to Brooklyn. We ended up going to Madiba for dinner and finished off the night with a delicious dinner, drinks and dessert. Oyy that white russian and sambuca aren't settling too well in my system right now.