Every morning I find myself having a media breakfast way before I have an actual breakfast. This is what keeps me growing, learning and evolving as a designer. Here you'll find the components of that meal... and some random stuff on the side

Saturday, July 26, 2008

CNN article

I read this article the other day on CNN. It talks about how McCain is not appealing to the younger generation and how he should be concerned about it. It includes the results of a "study found that the current generation of young voters, those who came of age during the President Bush years, are giving the Democrats a wide edge. Fifty-eight percent of voters under 30 identified or leaned toward the Democratic Party, compared with 33 percent who said they identified or leaned toward the Republican Party."

... i wonder why? I am very happy to see that young voters are taking a stand and having their voices heard, now only if I could vote!
