I stumbled across this article during my daily web surfing routine. I've been following what has been going on with the Olympics closely. There has been a lot of discussions about threats and boycotts yet not a lot of talk about about environment related concerns for the athletes. This article [more like a graphic article] of the different issues gives a good idea of what is going on over there and what could happen. Below is one that struck me. The link to the article will be at the bottom of the post.
Scenario: The U.S. Olympic team, among other delegations, has raised concerns about the safety of the food in the Olympic Village. In response to a New York Times report that the U.S. team was bringing its own beef, chicken, and pork to Beijing, a Chinese official said that outside food would not be allowed in athletes' lodgings. China might come to regret that decision if a sprinter is seen heaving on the starting line.
Chance it could happen: 50 percent
Scary quote: "We had it tested and it was so full of steroids that we never could have given it to athletes. They all would have tested positive," said an American caterer, explaining the potential problem with serving the U.S. team Chinese chicken breasts.
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