Every morning I find myself having a media breakfast way before I have an actual breakfast. This is what keeps me growing, learning and evolving as a designer. Here you'll find the components of that meal... and some random stuff on the side

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hm so my wisdom teeth extraction was scheduled for 9am. Of course with my luck, I didn't get anywhere past Pre-Op until 2:30...no wonder why as RAs at Pratt we were told to never go to Brooklyn Hospital unless it was blood, breath or death.

I patiently waited and waited and waited. I was surprisingly patient. I understood that there were 2 emergency oral surgeries before me but seriously, I just wanted to get it over and done with. I expected myself to be a nervous mess considering the fact that I've been terrified of the dentist since I was young.

I was more annoyed at how I could have finished Breaking Dawn in the time I patiently waited. I instead took several naps, read a 2 days old newspaper and joked around with everyone. The pre-op staff were funny and very understanding. I overheard them several times expressing their frustration over how long I had been waiting. I did become a bit annoyed when I later found out that no one went out and explained to Ian that I was still waiting to go in. I asked 3 different nurses, at 3 different times.

Finally 2:30 came around and Dr. Mull came out. He felt really bad for keeping me waiting and explained to me why it took so long. I guess the guy in front of me had a really busted jaw with a horrible infection. He proceeded to fill me in with what to expect and blah blah blah.

He walked me into the prep area and filled some paper work. The anesthesia guy came by and talked to me for a few about different things. I then got a pleasant surprise. They brought Ian in to see me before I went in.

To my surprise I wasn't knocked out before going into the OR. I've had 3 surgeries before and don't remember anything from Pre-Op on. For this one, I actually walked into the OR with my own two feet and layed on the table. I was in heaven-- keep in mind that I've always loved medicine and wanted to be a neurosurgeon. Perhaps it's something I will get into at some point. Dr. Mull has a very calming nature to him which is greatly appreciated. They finished all the prep work and then asked me to go to my happy place, my favorite warm beach in Cuba. Last image before I passed out unfortunately was the blood splattered ceiling of the OR. That seriously has to be a health code violation.

I woke up with an extremely swollen bottom lip and parched. Ian was already there waiting for me to open my eyes. I was in a bit of pain and just wanted something to drink. A few more pain killers and I was in good shape to sit up and start getting ready to go home. I was given some apple juice and OH WOW, I've never been a fan of apple juice but this was necessary. I drank it the best that I could considering the fact that my mouth was still under the influence.

I was fine to walk home after we left. The pain was under control yesterday. The bottom lip and chin issue was really starting to bug me. I woke up this morning and that was done. Unfortunately, the pain is SOOOO MUCH WORSE TODAY. I'm pretty certain that I have a sinus infection. I was warned that I would since my top 2 wisdom were too close to my sinus cavity. I can't clear my throat or blow my nose. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to speak to Dr. Mull today when I called and his assistant must not have passed my message along. They will be getting a mouth full from me tomorrow morning. I'm in incredible pain and Codene is not doing it for me, not even every 4 hours.

I've been getting spoiled, watching movies all day and eating in bed. I don't think I'll be loosing weight-- i've been eating soft food all day.


lobese said...

baah! im coming to see u when iget home