Every morning I find myself having a media breakfast way before I have an actual breakfast. This is what keeps me growing, learning and evolving as a designer. Here you'll find the components of that meal... and some random stuff on the side

Monday, March 23, 2009

drama drama drama

So I'm watching Brooke Anderson on CNN and they're discussing dosomething.org's latest PSA. In the PSA, there's a narrator giving specific details of a guy and girl in a car. The guy is smashing the girls head against the passenger window, at one point start choking her.... sound familiar?

Yup DO SOMETHING used the affidavit released for the Rihanna and Chris Brown domestic abuse case. I applaud the organization for this. Yes there are some moral issues with what's being shown but we know that this is a sworn affidavit, something that did happen. As it has been said before, a picture speak a thousand words-- well this is shouting a million words. It's not enough for someone to read about the events, we're a nation that gets bombarded with violence and terror in movies, tv shows, in the news. We're are all desensitize to such horrors. I won't really go into how I feel about Rihanna because she is a victim and she is human but I'm glad someone is trying to set a good example with this whole case.

Below is the video