Every morning I find myself having a media breakfast way before I have an actual breakfast. This is what keeps me growing, learning and evolving as a designer. Here you'll find the components of that meal... and some random stuff on the side

Monday, December 29, 2008

my new years resolution

I'm a homebody. I like my sweatpants and bed a little too much. I rather go home after work then go out and have some fun. Not going to lie, more often than not, I am exhausted but I live in the most amazing place in the world. Most young people my age would die to be in the position I am with my career and personal life. It is time for me to become the true city girl I am meant to be, I walk down the street and see someone with a cute outfit and then I think about it-- i have the same pieces at home but don't wear them. Time to lock away my hoodies and bring out the heals. I may not have a million bucks but I can damn well try to dress myself like I do.

My New Year's Resolution...

- I work hard therefore it is time that I play as hard... and look good while at it.

- To keep kicking ass at work, only one way to go and that is UP UP UP!

- To make more of an effort to spend time with my girlfriends and sisters.

- To stay the healthiest I possibly can.


lobese said...

happy hours here we come!

lobese said...

you should add "blog more" on that list as well ;-)

heehee. love u!